Remote face to face course
This module is available as a 2 hour remote trainer facilated face to face course.
Next course
Tuesday 25th March, 2025, 1400-1600
Delivered via Zoom
Module 1CS
Remote face to face Online Face to face
The aim of the course is to increase awareness of your own cultural values and cultural values different from your own; to help you recognise cultural differences and evaluate how the differences can affect cross-cultural interactions and communication; and develop skills to apply the principles of cultural competence in your interaction with CALD clients.
This course is intended for the health workforce working in primary care, secondary care or NGO services in customer service roles or non-clinical roles (eg receptionist).
This course is a pre-requisite for other CALD courses for Culturally Diverse Workplaces. The content of this course is similar to the Module 1 Culture & Cultural Competency course. It is suitable for the health workforce working in customer service or admin roles (eg GP/ward receptionists, pharmacists, triage nurses, volunteers) to gain cultural awareness, sensitivity, knowledge, and skills that are applicable in cross-cultural interactions.
At the end of the course, participants will:
On completing this course you will have developed new skills in cultural competency; and become aware of different cultural values and how assumptions, interpretations and judgements can impact on how we communicate with and understand our CALD clients or colleagues during interactions.
E-Learning online self-paced learning = 3 hours.
Face-to-face in-person (facilitated by an educator) = 4 hours plus 0.5-hour online pre-course work.
Remote face-to-face training via video conferencing = 2 hours plus 0.5-hour online pre-course work. This is an abridged version facilitated by an educator via Zoom.
This module is available as a 2 hour remote trainer facilated face to face course.
Tuesday 25th March, 2025, 1400-1600
Delivered via Zoom
This module is available as a 2 hour trainer facilated face to face course.
Wednesday 2nd April, 2025, 0900-1100
Ko Awatea, Middlemore Hospital KA 102