CCPS - Cross-cultural Community of Practice Support
This module aims to support learners who wish to be more effective in cross-cultural practices. An eCALD educator facilitates the session to enhance peer learning and support.
This module aims to support learners who wish to be more effective in cross-cultural practices. An eCALD educator facilitates the session to enhance peer learning and support.
The aim of this course is to introduce you to the challenges of working with cultural beliefs around disability that impact on treatment and interventions, and also ways to accommodate different beliefs and attitudes wherever possible.
The aim of the course is to increase awareness of your own cultural values and cultural values different from your own; to help you recognise cultural differences and evaluate how the differences can affect cross-cultural interactions and communication; and develop skills to apply the principles of cultural competence in your interaction with CALD clients.
The aim of this course is to build practitioner’s awareness of the settlement challenges faced by migrants; and to develop awareness of the diverse models of health and wellbeing, help seeking behaviours and expectations of healthcare from migrant patients.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of this course is to provide strategies for managing cross-cultural interactions, screening, assessment, treatment and interventions when working with CALD children, adolescents and families in a mental health context.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
This module aims to support learners who wish to be more effective in cross-cultural practices. An eCALD educator facilitates the session to enhance peer learning and support.
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
The aim of the course is to increase awareness of your own cultural values and cultural values different from your own; to help you recognise cultural differences and evaluate how the differences can affect cross-cultural interactions and communication; and develop skills to apply the principles of cultural competence in your interaction with CALD clients.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of this course is to build practitioner’s awareness of the settlement challenges faced by migrants; and to develop awareness of the diverse models of health and wellbeing, help seeking behaviours and expectations of healthcare from migrant patients.
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
This module aims to support learners who wish to be more effective in cross-cultural practices. An eCALD educator facilitates the session to enhance peer learning and support.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
This course is intended for professionally trained interpreters with knowledge or experience working in the healthcare setting.
The aim of this course is to build practitioner’s awareness of the settlement challenges faced by migrants; and to develop awareness of the diverse models of health and wellbeing, help seeking behaviours and expectations of healthcare from migrant patients.
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
This module aims to support learners who wish to be more effective in cross-cultural practices. An eCALD educator facilitates the session to enhance peer learning and support.
The aim of this course is to build practitioner’s awareness of the settlement challenges faced by migrants; and to develop awareness of the diverse models of health and wellbeing, help seeking behaviours and expectations of healthcare from migrant patients.
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
The aim of this course is to build practitioner’s awareness of the settlement challenges faced by migrants; and to develop awareness of the diverse models of health and wellbeing, help seeking behaviours and expectations of healthcare from migrant patients.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of this course is to introduce you to the challenges of working with cultural beliefs around disability that impact on treatment and interventions, and also ways to accommodate different beliefs and attitudes wherever possible.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of the course is to provide strategies for managing cross-cultural issues during the engagement, assessment, and treatment process in an addiction context when working with CALD clients and their families.
The aim of the course is to increase awareness of your own cultural values and cultural values different from your own; to help you recognise cultural differences and evaluate how the differences can affect cross-cultural interactions and communication; and develop skills to apply the principles of cultural competence in your interaction with CALD clients.
This module aims to support learners who wish to be more effective in cross-cultural practices. An eCALD educator facilitates the session to enhance peer learning and support.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
The aim of this course is to build practitioner’s awareness of the settlement challenges faced by migrants; and to develop awareness of the diverse models of health and wellbeing, help seeking behaviours and expectations of healthcare from migrant patients.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
The aim of this course is to ensure learners are aware of religious diversity and know how to assess and accommodate the spiritual/religious needs of CALD patients and families.
The aim of the course is to increase awareness of your own cultural values and cultural values different from your own; to help you recognise cultural differences and evaluate how the differences can affect cross-cultural interactions and communication; and develop skills to apply the principles of cultural competence in your interaction with CALD clients.
The aim of this course is to build practitioner’s awareness of the settlement challenges faced by migrants; and to develop awareness of the diverse models of health and wellbeing, help seeking behaviours and expectations of healthcare from migrant patients.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
The aim of this course is to build practitioner’s awareness of the settlement challenges faced by migrants; and to develop awareness of the diverse models of health and wellbeing, help seeking behaviours and expectations of healthcare from migrant patients.
This module aims to support learners who wish to be more effective in cross-cultural practices. An eCALD educator facilitates the session to enhance peer learning and support.
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
This module aims to support learners who wish to be more effective in cross-cultural practices. An eCALD educator facilitates the session to enhance peer learning and support.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
The aim of this course is to introduce you to the challenges of working with cultural beliefs around disability that impact on treatment and interventions, and also ways to accommodate different beliefs and attitudes wherever possible.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
The aim of this course is to build practitioner’s awareness of the settlement challenges faced by migrants; and to develop awareness of the diverse models of health and wellbeing, help seeking behaviours and expectations of healthcare from migrant patients.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of the course is to increase awareness of your own cultural values and cultural values different from your own; to help you recognise cultural differences and evaluate how the differences can affect cross-cultural interactions and communication; and develop skills to apply the principles of cultural competence in your interaction with CALD clients.
The aim of this course is to ensure learners are aware of religious diversity and know how to assess and accommodate the spiritual/religious needs of CALD patients and families.
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
The aim of this course is to ensure learners are aware of religious diversity and know how to assess and accommodate the spiritual/religious needs of CALD patients and families.
The aim of this course is to build practitioner’s awareness of the settlement challenges faced by migrants; and to develop awareness of the diverse models of health and wellbeing, help seeking behaviours and expectations of healthcare from migrant patients.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of this course is to build practitioner’s awareness of the settlement challenges faced by migrants; and to develop awareness of the diverse models of health and wellbeing, help seeking behaviours and expectations of healthcare from migrant patients.
The aim of this course is to introduce you to the challenges of working with cultural beliefs around disability that impact on treatment and interventions, and also ways to accommodate different beliefs and attitudes wherever possible.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
This course is intended for professionally trained interpreters with knowledge or experience working in the healthcare setting.
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
The aim of this course is to build practitioner’s awareness of the settlement challenges faced by migrants; and to develop awareness of the diverse models of health and wellbeing, help seeking behaviours and expectations of healthcare from migrant patients.
The aim of this course is to introduce you to the challenges of working with cultural beliefs around disability that impact on treatment and interventions, and also ways to accommodate different beliefs and attitudes wherever possible.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
The aim of the course is to increase awareness of your own cultural values and cultural values different from your own; to help you recognise cultural differences and evaluate how the differences can affect cross-cultural interactions and communication; and develop skills to apply the principles of cultural competence in your interaction with CALD clients.
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
The aim of this course is to provide strategies for managing cross-cultural interactions, screening, assessment, treatment and interventions when working with CALD children, adolescents and families in a mental health context.
The aim of this course is to build practitioner’s awareness of the settlement challenges faced by migrants; and to develop awareness of the diverse models of health and wellbeing, help seeking behaviours and expectations of healthcare from migrant patients.
This course is intended for professionally trained interpreters with knowledge or experience working in the healthcare setting.
The aim of this course is to build practitioner’s awareness of the settlement challenges faced by migrants; and to develop awareness of the diverse models of health and wellbeing, help seeking behaviours and expectations of healthcare from migrant patients.
The aim of the course is to increase awareness of your own cultural values and cultural values different from your own; to help you recognise cultural differences and evaluate how the differences can affect cross-cultural interactions and communication; and develop skills to apply the principles of cultural competence in your interaction with CALD clients.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of this course is to build practitioner’s awareness of the settlement challenges faced by migrants; and to develop awareness of the diverse models of health and wellbeing, help seeking behaviours and expectations of healthcare from migrant patients.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
The aim of the course is to increase awareness of your own cultural values and cultural values different from your own; to help you recognise cultural differences and evaluate how the differences can affect cross-cultural interactions and communication; and develop skills to apply the principles of cultural competence in your interaction with CALD clients.
The aim of this course is to ensure learners are aware of religious diversity and know how to assess and accommodate the spiritual/religious needs of CALD patients and families.
The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.
The aim of this course is to build practitioner’s awareness of the settlement challenges faced by migrants; and to develop awareness of the diverse models of health and wellbeing, help seeking behaviours and expectations of healthcare from migrant patients.
The aim of this course is to ensure learners are aware of religious diversity and know how to assess and accommodate the spiritual/religious needs of CALD patients and families.
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
The aim of this course is to ensure learners are aware of religious diversity and know how to assess and accommodate the spiritual/religious needs of CALD patients and families.
The aim of this course is to provide strategies for managing cross-cultural interactions, screening, assessment, treatment and interventions when working with CALD children, adolescents and families in a mental health context.
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
The aim of this course is to introduce you to the challenges of working with cultural beliefs around disability that impact on treatment and interventions, and also ways to accommodate different beliefs and attitudes wherever possible.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.
The aim of this course is to build practitioner’s awareness of the settlement challenges faced by migrants; and to develop awareness of the diverse models of health and wellbeing, help seeking behaviours and expectations of healthcare from migrant patients.
The aim of this course is to help you work better with refugee patients and families, during consultations; to increase your awareness of their settlement challenges; and to guide you on how to respond to the traumatic experiences a refugee patient and their families may have endured.