90th Edition
Happy Lunar New Year 2025 - Special edition
View past issues of eCALD eNews dating back to September 2016. For CALD related newsletters before 2016 please visit our enews archive.
Happy Lunar New Year 2025 - Special edition
This edition looks at how and when the New Year is celebrated in different ways across the globe.
This edition takes a glimpse at how migrants support migrants in settling down in Aotearoa.
This edition looks at some latest news from the field with stories focussed on World Refugee day 2024.
This edition looks at some latest news from the field as well as an update on the eCALD cross-cultural practice supervision pilot.
This edition promotes eCALD piloting cross-cultural practice supervision as well as new services for the Chinese community in caring for people with dementia.
This edition promotes the 16th CCIG webinar, a research article and the AFS incredible years parenting programme.
This edition promotes the World Health Organisation Report showcasing 49 country case examples illustrating positive steps taken by various countries towards better health outcomes for the one billion people on the move. It also reports on news relating to the Asian Family Services Journey to Independence and free upcoming webinars, and the free mental health and addiction training programme.
This edition promotes the upcoming November 2022 Refugee and Asylum Seeker Health and Wellbeing Forum, Te Pae Tata NZ Health Plan 2022 Ethnic Communities section, Te Whatu Ora's Health Response for 2022 Special Ukraine Visa Holders, etc.
This edition promotes the upcoming October 2022 CCIG webinar, resources and research opportunities.
This edition promotes the upcoming September 2022 CCIG webinars and several news items.
This edition promotes two upcoming August webinars, Asian Hui and the "Religion as patriarchal control - justifying gendered violence".
This edition promotes several webinars and symposiums, news relating to quota refugee composition and changes to Refugee Family Category.
This edition promotes the upcoming August 2022 CCIG Webinar, the final list of the 13 refugee settlement service providers and the new Asian Demography Report.
This edition promotes the upcoming CAHRE National Symposium 2022, Changes to Refugee Settlement Service Providers and Service Provision and other news items.
This edition promotes the upcoming 17th May Cross-Cultural Interest Group (CCIG) webinar and two useful resources.
This edition provides features news relating to the Cross-Cultural Interest Group (CCIG) News providing a summary of the 15th March webinar presentation on "The Application of Interpersonal Psychotherapy within Maternal Mental Health" and two publications.
This edition features the first CCIG webinar for 2022 and "Tips for a healthy smile" resource in multiple languages.
This edition features new publications, a call for action for Asian and CALD communities to be involved in the consultation on repealing and replacing the Mental Health Act and a summary of the eCALD CCIG presentation held on 16th November 2021.
This edition features upcoming CCIG webinars and news regarding mental health support for Afghan Whanau handbook; free COVID-19 welfare support providers; the new Digi Language Support Services pilot project; Antenatal classes in multiple languages and feedback on the Ministry for Ethnic Communities draft strategy.
This edition features the upcoming October CCIG webinar, and news regarding the delayed resettlement of refugees across New Zealand, COVID-19 support services provided by Diversity Counselling NZ, Asian Family Services and Chinese New Settlers Service Trust and more...
This edition features upcoming August seminars, the newly launched "CALD Cultural Competency in a Psychiatric Context" training programme, and research publications.
This edition features a number of June seminars, a useful wellbeing resource featuring life stories of Young Korean Kiwis, free antenatal classes for Indian and Chinese families and other news.
This edition features a number of May and June conferences; Wellbeing Guides in multiple languages, Best Practice Guidelines for communicating with CALD communities; and more...
This edition features exciting conferences in May and June; as well as the launch of the International Student Online Resources by Asian Family Services; and more.
This edition promotes the "Free Counselling and Psychological Services in Multiple Languages"and the "Chinese Service Development Project", as well as other news.
This edition includes news about the resumption of the Refugee Quota Programme, "Welcoming Schools for Students from Refugee Backgrounds Programme" and other news.
This edition includes a new publication undertaken by RASNZ, culturally appropriate training offered by RASNZ, a list of general practice services available for former refugee and asylum seekers, and other news.
This edition provides an MBIE update on refugee resettlement; Asian Family Services 'Reach Out Campaign', RASNZ Awards, upcoming webinar, etc.
Information about upcoming events and new resources available on the website.
Information about upcoming events and new resources and projects related to CALD migrants and refugees
Upcoming events and new publication
Upcoming seminar
New publications and upcoming seminars
Working with CALD clients in palliative and end-of-life care
News courses launched in April-May 2020
Surge in remote and e-learning enrolments in April 2020.
Remote face-to-face CALD courses are now available
Exciting news! eCALD® has launched a new online course: “Working with CALD clients in palliative care”.
Upcoming seminar “Developments on Psychopharmacology”
Cross Cultural interest Group Seminar coming up
New “Working with Communicable Diseases with CALD Clients” face-to-face course.
New “Working with Addiction with CALD Clients” online course
Pre-cutting edge 2019 conference: Asian Workshop [18 Sept 2019]
Pre-cutting edge 2019 conference: Asian Workshop [18 Sept 2019]
Cervical screening communications for young Māori, Pacific and Asian women
CAHRE National Symposium 2019 [Call for Abstracts]
Cross-Cultural Interest Group Seminars
Perinatal depression in CALD women
MOH Resources with 1737 assist for people coping with traumatic event in Christchurch
Cultural factors impacting on access and the use of mental health service
Equitable access to primary health care for Asian, refugee and migrant populations
Problem gambling, drug and alcohol addiction in Asian communities
Cultural competency training for the health workforce
Complementary and alternative healthcare in New Zealand part 4
Waitemata DHB's eCALD Education Programme celebrates 2018 Diversity Awards NZ win!!
Complementary and alternative healthcare in New Zealand part 2
Complementary and alternative healthcare in New Zealand part 1
Growing Up in New Zealand (GUINZ) studies
Caring for Muslim patients during Ramadan
Health and mental health of Syrian refugees
eCALD® Research Commentary 17th Edition: "Use of Interpreters"
eCALD® New Promotional Videos and Achievements for the Year
eCALD® Research Commentary 15th Edition: "Refugee Health Screening"
eCALD® Research Commentary 14th Edition: "Religious Affiliation"
eCALD® Research Commentary 13th Edition: "Health promotion for ethnically diverse migrant populations"
eCALD® Research Commentary 12th Edition: "Paediatric palliative care"
eCALD® Research Commentary 11th Edition: "Experiences of migrant and refugee background families of palliative care"
eCALD® Services launching newly designed website
eCALD® Research Commentary 8th Edition: “Stroke and the Asian Communities”
New eCALD® course and resource
Mental health of Asian youth in New Zealand
Refugee children and young people and mental illness
International Benchmarking of Asian Health Outcomes
Child health in Asian populations
Diabetes in the Asia Pacific region
CAHRE Conference 2016: Summary report
CALD Guidelines for Dementia Patients in Aged Residential Care
Maternal Health for CALD Women Resource
NGO workforces across New Zealand eligible for free CALD courses
CAHRE Conference 2016: Early bird registration extended
CAHRE Conference 2016: Early bird registration
CAHRE Conference 2016: Call for abstracts deadline
CAHRE Conference 2016: Call for abstracts reminder
CAHRE Conference 2016: Call for abstracts
Benzodiazepine Misuse in the Asian population
Asian Population Projections for New Zealand
Asian Health Review
Chinese Families Autism Support Group Meeting
ACMA Presents ACCMA Conference 2016
PHOs across New Zealand eligible for free CALD courses