Face to face course
This module is available as a 2 hour trainer facilated face to face course.
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Monday 9th June, 2025, 1130-1330
Ko Awatea, Middlemore Hospital KA 202
Module 7
Face to face Remote face to face Online
The aim of this course is to ensure learners are aware of religious diversity and know how to assess and accommodate the spiritual/religious needs of CALD patients and families.
This course is intended for anyone working in primary care, secondary care or mental health services.
You must complete the following courses before enrolling in this course:
Participants will be able to:
On completing this course you will have more knowledge about a range of religious beliefs and practices from Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism and Buddhism. You will have a better understanding of the influence of religious beliefs on patients and their families’ health, behaviour, and wellness; and have developed new skills to enhance your health interventions and patient adherence with treatment plans.
E-Learning online self-paced learning = 3 hours.
Face-to-face in-person (facilitated by an educator) = 4 hours.
Remote face-to-face training via video conferencing = 2 hours. This is an abridged version facilitated by an educator via Zoom.
Faith and religion is one of the most significant components of cultural practice, and religious beliefs can have a critical impact on a patient and their family’s healthcare decisions. This course is for learners who would like to gain awareness of religious diversity and learn ways to assess and accommodate the spiritual/religious needs of CALD patients and families.
This course is not about focus explaining all the different religions. It is providing ways to manage cross-cultural interactions with CALD patients and families from diverse religious backgrounds.
The following resources will be available after you complete this and other CALD courses:
This module is available as a 2 hour trainer facilated face to face course.
Monday 9th June, 2025, 1130-1330
Ko Awatea, Middlemore Hospital KA 202
This module is available as a 2 hour remote trainer facilated face to face course.
Thursday 24th July, 2025, 0900-1100
Delivered via Zoom