Module 4

Working with Interpreters

Online Face to face Remote face to face

Many health practitioners have experienced feeling ‘lost in translation’ when working with a trained interpreter. The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help you work more effectively with professional trained interpreters, to achieve a better outcome from your communication with non-English speaking patients.

This course is intended for anyone working in primary care, secondary care or mental health services who wants to work more effectively with interpreters.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Gain an awareness of the challenges faced by health practitioners, interpreters and the patients involved in an interpreting session.
  • Gain an understanding of the roles and competencies of interpreters.
  • Gain skills on how to pre-brief and structure sessions to have better control of the interpreting process.
  • Gain skills on how to de-brief post consultation.
  • Gain skills for working with interpreters in different settings with non-English speaking patients (group, individual, face-to-face and phone sessions).

On completing this course you will be more familiar with the roles and responsibilities of a professionally trained interpreter, their code of ethics, and some ethical dilemmas they may encounter. You will have developed new skills on how to work effectively with interpreters in different settings and how to remain in control throughout a consultation.

Course duration

E-Learning online self-paced learning = 3 hours.


Face-to-face in-person (facilitated by an educator) = 4 hours.


Remote face-to-face training via video conferencing = 2 hours. This is an abridged version facilitated by an educator via Zoom.

Related resources

The following resources will be available after you complete this and other CALD courses:

Online course

This module is available as a self guided 3 hour online course.


Face to face course

This module is available as a 2 hour trainer facilated face to face course.

Next course

Wednesday 26th March, 2025, 1130-1330

Ko Awatea, Middlemore Hospital KA 213


View all upcoming courses

Remote face to face course

This module is available as a 2 hour remote trainer facilated face to face course.

Next course

Thursday 13th March, 2025, 1115 - 1315

Delivered via Zoom


View all upcoming courses

Well written and engaging programme.

Well written and engaging programme. Videos in particular were well scripted and acted. Useful to see both poor and good sessions. Valuable advice for more than just using interpreters

eCALD Learner

This was very helpful.

This was very helpful. I wish I had done it much earlier

eCALD Learner

This was a very helpful and clear teaching course

This was a very helpful and clear teaching course and I am the better for learning concrete skills. Being kind and supportive is not enough I see now

eCALD Learner

I have thoroughly enjoyed this module.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this module. I have worked with interpreters on many occasions, especially in Outpatients department and in the community. I will certainly maximise this resource in future

eCALD Learner