Course uptake

When users register to enrol in eCALD course we ask them for a number of pieces of demographic information. We use this data to better understand who is completing our courses so we can tailor our courses and also create new courses to suit and fully support our learners in their cultural competency journey.

  • Cumulative course uptake
  • Course uptake by DHB region and Modality
  • Course uptake by service group
  • Course uptake by occupation

Cumulative course uptake

The figure below represents the cumulative course uptake since the inception of eCALD courses.


Total enrolments as at July 2024


New enrolments in July 2024

Course uptake by DHB region and Modality

You can click or hover over the bar graph to view the data. You can also select a specific legend (eg E-Learning Courses) to compare the data between the regions. Remote face-to-face courses enrolments are included in face-to-face course totals.


Total E-learning enrolments


Total Face-to-face enrolments (including remote)

Course uptake by service group

You can click or hover over the pie chart to view the % or proportion.

Course uptake by occupation

You can click or hover over the pie chart to view the % or proportion.


Course enrolments by registered nurses in July 2024


Course enrolments by allied health workers in July 2024