Culture and eMental health

Professor Kamaldeep Bhui is Professor of Cultural Psychiatry & Epidemiology at Queen Mary University of London and Head of Department in the Centre for Psychiatry. He is also Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist in East London Foundation Trust and a psychoanalytic psychotherapist. He is Director at the Cultural Consultation Service at Barts and is a Director of a number of MSc programmes in Mental Health. His research and practice interests on health include social exclusion and cultural psychiatry. Prof Bhui was in Auckand presenting on Culture and eMental health at the AUT Centre for eHealth on Friday 18th May 2018.

Prof Bhui’s work in the area of suicidal ideation in migrant populations has value for New Zealand, as we consider accessible and culturally appropriate therapeutic approaches for newcomers at risk of self-harm. The study by Eylem et al., (2015) found that for migrant communities at increased risk for suicidal ideation and attempted suicide, online self-help may be an effective way to engage with community members. For more information see:

Eylem, O., Van Straten, A., Bhui, K & Kerkhof, A.J.F.M. (2015). Protocol: Reducing suicidal ideation among Turkish migrants in the Netherlands and in the UK: Effectiveness of an online intervention. International Review of Psychiatry, 27, 72-81. Retrieved from:

Queen Mary, University of London, has a partnership with the Synergy Collaborative Centre which works on issues of ethnicity, severe mental illness and multiple disadvantages. For more information go to: