CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: 6th International Asian and Ethnic Minority Health and Wellbeing Conference [2016]

“Working together to achieve better health outcomes”

The conference is an excellent opportunity for health practitioners, service providers, service managers, policy makers, researchers, community leaders and students to share knowledge and experience in dealing with the health issues of Asian and ethnic minority populations. There will be a mixture of invited international and local speakers, featured sessions, workshops, oral and poster presentations.


We are inviting submissions for oral/poster presentations of current or recently completed research projects or service initiatives in the areas of: health promotion; mental health; chronic conditions and disability; health experiences of Asian and Ethnic Minority families, women, children, adolescents, older people, international students and refugees; culturally responsive interventions; methodology and evaluation.

Click here for an International Conference Brief

Click here for more details about the Submission Requirements

Deadline for submission: Friday July 8th, 2016

Registration commences on Friday July 1st, 2016

Click here to visit the conference website

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: 6th International Asian and Ethnic Minority Health and Wellbeing Conference [2016]